Thursday 26 March 2015

Class blogs

Here are the blogs of your classmates.


1st post - A country

So, welcome to my blog.

Over the next months we'll be using these blogs on a regular basis to get some real-life practice and interaction in English.

Your blog is your domain to express yourself as you wish (as long as it's all in English) but as a guide try to include the following in today's post:

    First post - A country I would like to visit

    - Which country would you like to go to? Why?
    - What do you know about it?
    - What would you like to do there?
    - Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
    - Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts
    - Word Count: 160 words

    There are lots of countries I would like to visit. The truth is, I prefer to visit places where I have a specific reason to go there, that could be a friend, something I want to see or a specific activity I would like to do. 

       Of course I would love to aimlessly wander the streets of Thailand or India but for me some sort of connection is important so my first choice would be to visit Finland. 
       For some reason, more by accident than design, I have quite a few friends in Finland and they are all lovely people so I'd like to see the country that has made them that way. Finland also has the best education system in the world so I'd love to talk to people about that. It also has incredible winters, lots of snow and cold which is something I'd like to experience. They are also the world-experts in saunas which sounds good to me. Historically the country is also very interesting, it shares a border with Russia which has affected it's culture and history a great deal. 
       I would like to live there for at least a few months. I think it's impossible to really experience a place if you don't have some sort of interaction with it, so having a part-time job would be great