Thursday 30 April 2015

6th post - An artist I'd like to talk about.

**I have a problem with my knee today so you will have to complete this activity at home. Sorry everyone. **

Write about an artist.

Include the following.

  • Who he/she is
  • What his/her story is
  • Details about their work
  • Why you chose to write about them 
  • Any other information
  • An example of their work
220 words

I'd like to talk about the poet Philip Larkin. He wrote poetry after the second world war and continued until the 1970s.

He studied at Oxford University and then worked in a library in Hull in the north of England. He was offered the position of Poet Laureate but he turned it down. 

His poetry is both complex and simple. It is very accessible but it also has a complexity which is very satisfying if you take the time to think about it. He has quite a pessimistic outlook on life and writes cynically about traditional conventions such as marriage, having children and religion. He also has a beautiful turn of phrase and ability to describe a moment with clarity and metaphor. 

I really like his work. I think it's because I agree with a lot of what he's saying but also because I respect his style; Sophisticated but accessible and without pretension. 

Here is one of his most famous poems and its translation into Spanish. 

This Be The Verse

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.   
    They may not mean to, but they do.   
They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,   
Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.

Este es el verso (1)

by Phillip Larkin
Te joden tu mamá y tu papá.
...... Podrían no hacerlo, pero lo hacen.
Te llenan con los defectos que tenían
...... Y agregan algo extra, sólo para ti.
Pero también ellos, en su momento, fueron jodidos
...... Por gente estúpida que usaba sombreros y abrigos pasados de moda,
Gente que la mitad del tiempo era sentimentalmente austera
...... Y la otra mitad, se agarraban del cuello.
El hombre le cede la miseria al hombre.
...... Y se hunde en las profundidades como una plataforma marina.
Sal de ahí lo más pronto posible.
...... Y no tengas niños tú mismo.

Thursday 23 April 2015

5th post - Popular misconceptions

Thia week we have decided to talk about popular misconceptions about Art or studying Art.

Do people think you are a genius or do they want you to paint their walls?

  • What makes you frustrated or makes you laugh?
  • What do non-art students imagine about your life?
  • Are people intimidated by you or do they start to show off?
  • What do your parents think?

Develop this topic as you wish, minimum of 220 words.

Thursday 16 April 2015

4th post - My future job.

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?
- Outdoors /indoors?
- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- In an office?
- What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking?    Explain why
- Add any other related ideas.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts

- Word Count: 220 words

It's difficult to say which job I'd like to have. I think that's because I love doing so many different things in life, I would be happy working in any of them. I think my ideal job would be to have a house in the country where I would grow my own food and cook and also teach students part-time. I'm a bit of a hippy and I love nature. I want to have a big garden near to a forest and a lake where I can go and forage and fish and only buy the minimum of things. 

I love teaching. I think it's important and I enjoy doing it, but I would prefer to have that as one activity as well as others. Maybe I could be a house keeper and teach private class once or twice a day. That sounds nice. 

I would also like to have the time to write. I love writing articles, blogs, even poetry. I suppose I don't really need to earn money for these things so just the time to do them would be enough for me, maybe the odd bit of recognition would be nice too. 

I do like travelling, but not for work. As long as I can get there on my bike then I'll be happy. Even more fun would be if I lived somewhere snowy, I could go to work on skis. 

I don't want to work in an office either, unless I'm there to give a class. Offices are too sterile and small. They're so depressing and the people there look so unhealthy, slowly poisoning themselves with bad coffee and a lack of daylight. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

1st video evaluation

Video 1:

Video evaluation.


Record a 2 minute mobile phone video presentation about a subject you enjoyed at school


  • What the subject was,
  • Who taught it,
  • Why you enjoyed it,
  • What things you learnt in this subject.
  • Mention anything else you think is important.
Send the video (or a link) to my email. 

Deadline: 17th April. 

A mobile phone video presentation is a video of the student talking directly to the camera. 
This activity is seen as part of the learning process. Videos are made in the students’ own 
time and they are free to practice and record as many versions as they see fit in order to 
complete the task. However, the final video must be in one take (i.e. they must not be 
edited). Moreover, you should be able to see the student clearly in the video (i.e. No 
sunglasses!). If you think that the text is being read you can arrange for the student to re-
record it or repeat the talk in class. Please make students aware of this fact.

3rd post - Cartoons

Third post -  Cartoons

Please include ALL of the following

  • How often you watch cartoons. Why?
  • What was you favourite cartoon as a child. 
    • Characters
    • Setting
    • Why you liked it
  • Do you think watching cartoons is only for children? Why?
  • Any other information. 

180 words. 

Here is my example


I'm not a big cartoon fan. I don't think cartoons are as important in the UK as they are in Chile. All of my friends here talk about Goku and I have no idea what they are talking about. In the UK cartoons, especially manga style cartoons are a bit nerdy.
   However, as a child there were lots of cartoons I watched. I particularly enjoyed Popeye and Road Runner. There were others that were more obscure too like Moomins.

   Moomins is a cartoon made in Finland. Its about a fictional family of Moomins. They are kind of like White hippopotamus. There is a Daddy, a Mummy, some children and some friends. The friends are an angry girl called Mai and a wandering boy called Snufkin.

   I like it because it was always so mysterious and strange. They lived in quite a scary world with long winters and strange beasts. The different characters represent different personality types and most shows have some sort of message. It's quite enigmatic.

   I still watch it sometimes. I have friends from Finland so I often talk to them about it. I watch it when I'm bored at home, most of the episodes are on YouTube.

   My favourite character is Snufkin, maybe. He is the romantic travelling type who has no responsibility. I also like Mai because she's so devious.

Here's a link to an episode in Spanish. I really recommend you watch it, especially if you are a Psychology or Anthropology student.  

Thursday 2 April 2015

2nd post - Music memories

This week you have decided to talk about music.

To define the category a little more let's talk about the music you listened to in the past.
  • What bands/singers were you into at school? 
    • Why did you like it/them?
  • What was the first concert you went to?
    • Who did you go with?
    • Details
  • What was the first album you bought?
    • Details
  • 160 words minimum